Money Transfers to Cuba From Abroad: What Really Happens?

Money Transfers to Cuba From Abroad What Really Happens

Many people in Cuba survive day-to-day thanks to remittances received from abroad, a transaction officially carried out through Cuban and foreign financial institutions operating on the island. However, this topic has been recurrent on social media these days because these services have been interrupted without any official communications. Starting with Western Union, one of the

This Florida County Will Soon Send Out Mail-In Ballots

This Florida County Will Soon Send Out Mail-In Ballots

Mail-in ballot applications are ready to be sent through the postal service, reported by one of Florida’s counties. This refers to Miami Dade County, which on its official site reports about the dispatch this week of ballots for the Presidential Preference Primary. Starting from 10 am on Thursday, February 8, the ballots will be sent

These are the New Products from Havana Club Internacional S.A.

These are the New Products from Havana Club Internacional S.A.

Recently, Havana Club International S.A. (HCI), the marketer of the most important Cuban rum, introduced new products on the island. The two new beverages added to its portfolio were intentionally presented just before February 14th, Valentine’s Day, under the slogan “We need to see each other more.” These are a chocolate cream and a rice

An Astonishing Amount of Dollars Smuggled into the United States from Cuba: Discover the Shocking Case of This Cuban Woman

An Astonishing Amount of Dollars Smuggled into the United States from Cuba

Judicial authorities in Tampa disclosed the indictment against a Cuban woman for smuggling an incredible sum of money into the United States from Cuba. Federal prosecutor Roger B. Handberg announced the arrest and the filing of a criminal complaint accusing this woman of smuggling $110,000 from the island to the northern territory. According to the

50% OFF on EXTRA Hours: This is the NEW Offer from Nauta Home by ETECSA

50 OFF on EXTRA Hours This is the NEW Offer from Nauta Home by ETECSA

In February, ETECSA has launched several promotions for its customers, including some very tempting ones like this offering a significant discount for its Nauta Hogar service clients. The company is promoting a 50 percent discount on extra service hours if customers recharge their account within the specified date. This new offer is aimed solely at

Up to $1,750 in Tax Credit in this U.S. State

Up to 1750 in Tax Credit in this U.S. State

A U.S. state is providing financial support through a tax credit of up to $1,750 to families in financial need. It’s Minnesota, a region that announced the Working Families and Children Tax Credit (CTC), fully refundable and available to low-income individuals. It’s estimated that more than 500,000 children will benefit from this credit in nearly

Eligible and ineligible countries for the DV-2023 Visa Lottery

dv 2023 visa lottery Eligible countries

¿Quieres conocer si tu país está entre los Elegibles para Participar en la Lotería de Visas 2023? Te lo explicamos TODO a continuación. El siguiente listado oficial emitido por el Departamento de Estado da a conocer cuáles son los países No Elegibles para participar en La Lotería de Visas de Estados Unidos. Esto quiere decir

DV-2023 Visa Lottery Requirements

DV-2023 Visa Lottery Requirements

Tan solo existen 2 Requisitos para participar en la Lotería de Visas DV-2023 que son sencillos pero muy necesarios: IndiceRequisito #1 Ser de un País ElegibleRequisito #2 Nivel de Educación Requisito #1 Ser de un País Elegible El primer requisito para la Lotería de Visas 2023 es indispensable, aunque tiene una forma de conseguirlo sino lo

Electric Bikes to Send to Cuba

electric bikes to cuba

If you are looking to buy and send electric bikes to Cuba, you are at the right place. We have electric bikes for all needs, from the simplest and cheapest to the largest ones with better features. We also have the best electric bike brands available, from UNIZUKI to BUCATTI and MISHOZUKI. Similarly, if you

DV-2022 Visa Lottery Results

DV 2022 Visa Lottery Results

We tell you how to know the DV-2022 Visa Lottery results, the date you can start checking, in addition to how to recover the confirmation number and more.



We tell you everything about the Bank of Credit and Commerce of Cuba (BANDEC) when it was created, what its services are, as well as the types of accounts and card it issues and much more.

DV Lottery 2022

dv lottery 2022

We’re telling you EVERYTHING about the DV Lottery and how to participate, the requirements you need to apply and much more.

Cuba Coat of Arms

Cuba coat of arms

History and Meaning of Cuba Coat of Arms, one of the national patriotic symbols that represents the country since the 19th century.