Do you want to participate in the DV Lottery 2021? Do you know all the requirements and the information you will need in order to enter in your application form? Next, we will answer these questions and we will guide you so you can have more possibilities to be chosen.
You might think this will be a lot of information, but it’s vital, so we recommend you to read it all if you wish to win the Visa Lottery 2021 because despite being a really simple process you can be disqualified easily.
Every year the United States State Department delivers more than 50 000 visas through this program for citizens of other countries who are distributed in 6 geographic regions.
Applicants must register on the established opening date; those who become winners will be able to follow up with the required procedure to enter the United States before the fiscal year finishes.
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Generally, inscriptions open between October and November, leaving a 30-day period to accept all the diversity visa lottery applications.
When does the DV Lottery 2021 registration period?
DV Lottery, known for Cubans as bombo or sorteo for the 2021 fiscal year the registration period starts on Wednesday October 2nd, 2019.
Applications can be sent from midday, standard time (EST) (GMT-5) October 2nd to Tuesday November 5th, 2019.
Those who become winners will be able to request their visa to enter the United States including permanent residency before September 30th 2019.
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✅ Requirements to participate in US Visa Lottery
Requirements to participate in the US Visa Lottery 2021 are very simple but need to be understood.
In case you don’t fulfill one of the requirements we advise you to not deliver your application since it will be disqualified immediately.
Each applicant must fulfill two strict requirements to participate in the Visa Lottery in addition one added to the DV-2021.
- Being native of one of the eligible countries for the diversity program.
- To have finished high school (12 years of education) or its equivalent in other countries; in the case of Cuba to have finished 12th grade, or on the other hand, to have work-related experience in the last 5 years in a profession which included a 2-year training after graduating.
- New requirement for the DV-2021: A valid passport number, the place of issue and the expiration date.
In order to verify the qualified work-related experiences accepted to participate in the visa lottery, the applicant must check the O * Net OnLine data base of the United States Department of Labor (DOL)
It is important you know that only the main applicant must fulfill these requirements, so it is not necessary their spouse and children fulfill them too.
Precisely, although there is no age limit to participate in the DV Lottery, the best thing is that the applicant be over 18 because of the education requirement.
Eligible countries to participate in the DV Lottery 2021
All countries are eligible to participate in the DV Lottery 2021, except those who have exceeded the emigration figure to the US in the last 5 years.
We show you here a list of the countries which are not eligible to the diversity Visa Lottery 2021.
- Bangladesh
- Brasil
- Canadá
- China (nacido en el continente)
- Colombia,
- República Dominicana
- El Salvador
- Guatemala
- Haití
- India
- Jamaica
- México
- Nigeria
- Pakistán
- Filipinas
- Corea del Sur
- Reino Unido (excepto Irlanda del Norte) y sus territorios dependientes
- Vietnam
The United States State Department announced that the Special Autonomous Regions of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are eligible.
In the same way, if a person is not a native of an eligible country, there are still possibilities to immigrate to the US through the Diversity Visa.
For example, if this person’s spouse is a native of an eligible country, they can use their spouse’s birth place in case they have been named in the eligible country’s register.
On the other hand, the second option is that if one or both parents were born in one of the eligible countries, it is possible for the person adopt their parents’ nationality to apply to the DV Lottery.
In the same way they will get assigned the parent’s nationality from the eligible country in the case that when the applicant was born, their parents weren’t permanent residents in the non-eligible country.
How to participate in the DV Lottery 2021?
To participate in the DV Lottery 2021, once the applicant fulfills the three requirements, they have to fill in and send an electronic form.
Once the electronic form is sent, the applicant has officially applied to the Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery program.
The application is made through the dv lottery official website and it’s free.
Furthermore, it must be sent only once, if 2 or more applications are sent, they will be immediately disqualified.
Each applicant must include the following information before sending the application:
- First last name/ Name and middle name (if applicable).
- Gender
- Date of birth
- City of birth
- Country of birth
- Eligible country for the Diversity Visa program
- For this DV-2021: valid passport number, the place of issue and the expiration date.
- Recent digital visa photograph (taken in the last six months) fulfilling the American visa photograph standards, otherwise the application will be disqualified.
- Postal zone
- Country of current residency
- Phone number (optional)
- E-mail address
- School level
- Current marital status
- Number of all legitimate/illegitimate children and/or adopted ones, including stepchildren.
Pieces of advice to avoid being disqualified from the DV Lottery
If the applicant is married, they must fill in the application form including their spouse’s personal information and photo.
In the same way, if the applicant has children, they need to include all the legitimate/illegitimate children who are single, not over 21 and not permanent residents of the US.
Furthermore, it is also necessary to include all the living, unmarried and underage stepchildren.
In the case you don’t fill in the application form including all your dependent relatives’ personal information (spouse and children), they won’t be eligible to immigrate to the US in case you become a winner of the Visa Lottery 2021.
In order to increase your chances of winning, every spouse must subscribe and apply, in this case if only one of them results winner, automatically the other can also get a visa to immigrate to the US.
You must include all the visa photographs of the applicant, their spouse and children, unless they are permanent residents in the US, although the application does not run the risk of being disqualified in case you include their photos.
It is a priority the photos are recent, in case you send a photo that was used in the application of the previous fiscal year, your subscription will be disqualified.
Once you’re finished, check that the information you imputed is correct, and if necessary rectify any mistakes before sending the application.
It is very important you fill in the electronic form completely to be eligible in the American Visa Lottery program.
Once finished and sent in, you will get a unique confirmation number, you must keep safe because it is the only way to verify if you’ve been chosen or not.
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What are the characteristics of the photo to include with the Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery?
For the digital photo to be eligible to participate in the DV Lottery it must fulfill some characteristics of American visa photos.
These are the quality and composition details each photo must fulfill:
- Recent (taken in the last 6 months), colorized and focused.
- Facing forward (open eyes), the size of the head between 22 and 35 mm (which represents from 50% to 69% of the total height of the picture).
- White or whitish background.
- Neutral expression and without shadows on the face.
- No accessories such as hats, contact lens, glasses, headphones or similar which can darken the face (unless you use an auricular device daily).
- Uniforms can’t be used unless they are religious attire.
- Scans of other photos from a driver’s license or another document are not accepted.
- The file must be sent in JPG format (.jpg) with 600×600 pixels of dimension and 240 Kb or less of weight.
- If you are sending the copy of an already existing photo, be sure it’s 2×2 inches (51x51mm) with a resolution of 300 pixels per inch.
- The photos of babies or small children must be alone without the company of an adult, without hands or another object covering their face and with their eyes wide open.
How do I know I won the US Visa Lottery?
After a 30-day period in which the applicant will have to subscribe to the visa lottery program, all the applications will be processed by a computerized system which chooses the qualified applications randomly that will win.
The results of the Visa Lottery are released six month later, usually in May.
The applicant of the DV-2021 can check if they have won or not starting from May 5th, 2020 using the unique confirmation number that was given to them at the moment they subscribed to the program.
It is important you keep this number until September 30th, 2021, in case any changes may occur.
Bear in mind that even if you are a winner that doesn’t mean that you will get a secure visa to immigrate to the Unites States.
In order to get it you will have to follow the subsequent instructions that will be sent to the e-mail you included in the application form.
DV-2021 winners will have until September 30th, 2021 to complete all the procedures to request the visa and enter to the United States along with their family and with a permanent residency.
After this date your visa won’t be valid for being winner in the DV Lottery 2021 and you will be denied permission to enter to the United States.
This is all you need to do in order to participate and win in the US Visa Lottery.
But in case you still have some doubts, we will answer some of the frequent asked questions our followers have asked us.
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Diversity Visa Lottery 2021 Question & Answer
- If I’m married, but I don’t live with my spouse anymore, do I have to include him/her in my application form?
If at the moment of submitting your application you are legally married, you have to include him/her in your application, otherwise it will be disqualified, even though you are planning to get divorced before entering the US.
But if you are legally divorced, you don’t have to include him/her, so he/she won’t have the right to immigrate to the US.
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- What should I fill in if I live with my partner for a long time but we are not married?
You must fill in the application according to your current marital status, even though you have been living together for years or you are planning to legally marry days or months after your submission.
Incorrect information about your spouse, in this case you would have included someone that is not yet your spouse, could be a reason to disqualify your application.
- Should I include all my children even though they don’t live with me?
Yes, it is necessary to include all your living legitimate/illegitimate children, adopted ones and stepchildren, as long as they are under 21 and single, even though they don’t live with you, unless they are permanent residents in the US.
This also includes the children you have outside of your current marriage. Do not include an incorrect number of children, as it is a reason to become disqualified.
- If my child is over 21, should I include him/her in my application?
Children over 21, as well as married children are not eligible for the Diversity Visa Program, so they are not included in the application.
- What should I do if my child turns 21 between November 3rd, 2019 and September 30th, 2021?
If at the moment of subscribing your child is under 21, but he/she will be 21 before the visa will be issued, there is a possibility that the procedure will be done using your child’s age at the moment of subscribing.
This is due to the American Child Protection Law which protects kids on the “age limit” or “growing” in certain circumstances.
- Should I include my spouse and children’s passport?
No. The new requirement of having a valid passport for the DV Lottery 2021 subscription applies only to the main applicant.
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