Why is Florida and Its Tourist Attractions the Preferred Destination in the United States?

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A significant percentage of the United States population yearns to vacation in tropical locales where there is no snow and the sun maintains warm temperatures. When it comes to tourist destinations, the northern country has countless and tempting offers; however, during the past year of 2023, Florida remained at the top of the rankings as the #1 preference for domestic tourism clients.

Compared to the previous year, there was an increase in the number of people who vacationed in Florida, specifically 14.8%, which is 10% higher than in 2022. These results, reported by the official agency Visit Florida, indicate that this growth is the highest in the country.

In statements to the official press, Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, expressed that the attractions for which this state is internationally known and the good treatment and climate of this environment have made visitors place this location as their preferred vacation spot. He also affirmed that the figures published by Visit Florida indicate the correct path that the state is following, especially in its tourism sector, as they prioritize the much-sought-after personal safety and leadership.

The ranking of tourist destinations in the United States, in which Florida leads, has a 2.7% advantage over other locations such as California and New York.

Dana Young, president and CEO of Visit Florida, also commented on the enviable way Florida attracts its customers thanks to its world-renowned theme parks, pristine beaches, and the constant interest of those who long for it from afar and enjoy it up close.

The impressive surge in tourism in Florida was also evident from the large number of foreign travelers who accessed the tourist charms of this part of the United States.

In March of this year, Florida received more foreign visitors than before the pandemic, with a 1.7% increase compared to March five years ago. Foreign travelers came from Germany (28%), the United Kingdom (12%), and nearby Mexico (61%), all of which indicate an increase in the percentage of visitors compared to previous years.

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Dánae Ricardo Aldana

Graduada de Letras en la Universidad de La Habana, amante de los libros, la escritura y el buen arte.