Situation of Cubans in Haiti Amid Wave of Violence: Cuban Government Reports

Inicio > Breaking News: Cuba > Situation of Cubans in Haiti Amid Wave of Violence: Cuban Government Reports

The Cuban government has spoken out about the situation of Cuban residents and transients in Haiti, amid the wave of violence that this Caribbean nation is experiencing, which has caused concern in Cuba.

On this issue, the Cuban Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, stated that the country’s embassy in Haiti is addressing this situation, as he communicated through his account on the social network X, the premier digital communication platform for the island’s authorities.

Consular officials maintain close contact with the Association of Cubans in that country and are making arrangements to ensure the safe return of our compatriots.

added the head of Cuban diplomacy on the said social network.

Since the end of February 2024, various international media have been discussing the climate of violence in Haiti, which has even reached the country’s airport.

Some areas of the Haitian nation have been taken over by gangs attempting to overthrow Prime Minister Ariel Henry, places in the capital have been attacked by armed groups, including the Toussaint Louverture International Airport.

Given this scenario, the government decreed a curfew to prevent the circulation of people, reports talk about more than 200 Cubans stranded in that country due to the situation, who travel mainly to that nation for shopping purposes.

In interviews with foreign media, some of the affected individuals who had planned to return to the island explained that they were affected by the cancellation of a flight because the plane had been shot.

The situation has left some Cubans without resources to survive in that country, others also suffer from diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and fear and insecurity add to the uncertainties.

The statement by the Cuban Foreign Minister is the first official pronouncement on the concerns of the issue so far, given that despite the information in the foreign press, no statement had been issued on the island.

On social networks, several Cubans have expressed their concerns and asked the government to assist in the return to the island of their nationals.

The escalation of Haitian violence included the takeover of two of the most important penitentiaries and the release of the prisoners, it is estimated that approximately 4,000 inmates escaped.

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Yanelis Barrientos Fernández

Formada en Comunicación Social en la Universidad de La Habana; posteriormente, me sumergí en el fascinante mundo digital, especializándome en Periodismo Digital