Cuban Doctors Could Collaborate with Region of France

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A European country’s association interested in requesting medical collaboration from Cuba.

It is news that the French agglomeration Guingamp-Paimpol is interested in receiving help from Cuban medical specialists.

According to reports, the president of that French organization, Vincent Le Meaux, held a meeting with Otto Vaillant, ambassador of the largest island in the Caribbean to the European country, to whom he expressed the interest in receiving collaboration from specialists in emergencies and obstetrics primarily.

The help would be for the northern area of Brittany, where the Cuban ambassador arrived and learned about the needs to receive collaboration from Cuban doctors, as well as to strengthen new ties of friendship and exchange.

During the exchange with the Cuban ambassador, authorities from the Brittany region expressed that they have been attempting to coordinate medical collaboration with the Cuban government for several years.

In this regard, the ambassador thanked them for the support Cuba has always received from associations, unions, and other French authorities.

Likewise, the official specified that the island has the capacity to send doctors if the agreement between the governments of France and Cuba is finalized. And that this could happen in a short time if there is an agreement between both countries.

For his part, Vincent Le Meaux, president of the Guingamp-Paimpol agglomeration, said they would send a communication to French President Emmanuel Macron to obtain the agreement by presidential decree.

The men and women dedicated to medical tasks on the largest island of the Antilles have earned prestige and commitment when it comes to fulfilling missions abroad, as endorsed by more than sixty years of solidarity.

In recent times, the island’s doctors have excelled in medical collaborations to combat Ebola on the African continent and Covid-19 within and outside Cuba.

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Yanelis Barrientos Fernández

Formada en Comunicación Social en la Universidad de La Habana; posteriormente, me sumergí en el fascinante mundo digital, especializándome en Periodismo Digital