This Florida County Will Soon Send Out Mail-In Ballots

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Mail-in ballot applications are ready to be sent through the postal service, reported by one of Florida’s counties.

This refers to Miami Dade County, which on its official site reports about the dispatch this week of ballots for the Presidential Preference Primary.

Starting from 10 am on Thursday, February 8, the ballots will be sent by the county’s Department of Elections to voters who have filed a request for the election dated March 19.

The department also informed that voters who are abroad have already received their ballots by the same means.

If for some reason you did not request your ballot, you can still do so until 5 pm on March 7 through various means.

You can do it online on the Department of Elections website, by sending an email to [email protected], or by phone calling (305) 499-8444.

Alternatively, if you prefer traditional channels, then send your request by mail to the following postal address: 2700 NW 87 Ave., Miami, FL 33172

To ensure your vote counts in the elections, make sure the Department of Elections has received the ballot before 7 pm on March 19, election day.

There are also other steps that you, as a voter, must follow meticulously:

  • Sign within the white square on the back of the return envelope
  • The signature on the envelope must match the registered signature
  • You must return your ballot through the mail, or alternatively, place it in one of the secure ballot reception stations located outside the 23 early voting points
  • The cost of mailing the vote-by-mail ballot is covered by the Department of Elections.

There are other aspects of the voting system you need to be aware of.

You should know your political affiliation, meaning which party you are affiliated with because the state is one of closed primaries: only registered party members can vote in their respective party’s primary elections.

You can only change your affiliation until February 20, 2024, as indicated by the county.

In 2024, only the Florida Republican Party will hold a Presidential Preference Primary (PPP), as the Democrat provided only a nominated candidate and thus does not require a PPP ballot for this party.

Miami Dade also indicated that all registered voters residing in South Miami and Surfside are eligible to vote on the content of their municipal ballot.

If you need more information on the subject, it is recommended to follow this link or alternatively call 331.

The election calendar in Miami Dade anticipates the Primary Elections for August 20, 2024, with the deadline to register to vote or change party affiliation until July 22, and the deadline to request a vote-by-mail ballot until August 8.

The General Elections will take place on November 5, with the deadline to register to vote by October 7, and the deadline to request a vote-by-mail ballot until October 24.

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Yanelis Barrientos Fernández

Formada en Comunicación Social en la Universidad de La Habana; posteriormente, me sumergí en el fascinante mundo digital, especializándome en Periodismo Digital